Top League Season 1 (S1)

Top League Season 1 will last for 45 days and the duration is UTC 2022/11/20 16:00 - 2022/1/4 0:00.

The Daily Ranking Rewards and Daily Winning Rewards will be the same as Season 0, we increase the $GOAL bonus pool to 8.5 MM tokens, which are divided into two categories:

Season Ranking Rewards: 4MM $GOAL tokens

Same as in S0, they're distributed to top 2000 participants, but the ratios are updated to a more flatter manner, as in the following table:

Global Ranking Rewards: 4.5MM $GOAL tokens

They're distributed to all S1 participants. Users are divided into brackets according to their ranks. And all users within a bracket share the rewards evenly. The detailed numbers are as follows:

Note for the Top 2000 users, they gain both season ranking rewards and global ranking rewards. And pure non-BAB trial card users don't participate in rankings, you need to have at least 3 paid >=R level card to participate.

Last updated